Francis Mcgee Thompson, Great Seal Of The State Of Montana


Our archival paper prints are produced to order on large-format 12-color digital presses with UV-resistant archival inks. They are printed on bright white, 100% plant-based, 230 gsm, acid and lignin free heavyweight paper. Our images have been carefully color-corrected for complete accuracy. Artwork is printed to order. Returns not available.

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Imagelab Group / Cleared Art Services

Francis Mcgee Thompson, Great Seal Of The State Of Montana

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– Printed using archival-quality ink designed to last a lifetime
– Unframed product ships rolled in a rigid cardboard tube for protection during shipment
– Printed and assembled by a team of professional art manufacturers in the USA

18 x 24"
– Unframed image dimensions: 24" W x 18" H
– Substrate: Archival Matte Paper

24" x 36"
– Unframed image dimensions: 36" W x 24" H
– Substrate: Archival Matte Paper

shipping and returns

Artwork is printed to order. Returns not available.

Imagelab Group / Cleared Art Services

Imagelab Group and Cleared Art Services have partnered together to produce prints and framed artwork. Founded and based in Austin, TX, Imagelab Group brings together technology, keen eyes for art, and print and framing expertise to create platforms and retail channels for the sale, production, and fulfillment of custom art prints for multiple contexts and markets. Based in Burbank, CA, Cleared Art Services works with set decorators on films and television shows, providing artwork for their sets. Working in the entertainment sector for many years, Cleared Art Services has placed artwork on hundreds of productions, and our system is designed to be a flawless process from script to screen. Together, Imagelab Group / Cleared Art Services produces art products for a variety of television productions, including the sale of printed reproductions of on-screen set art.